What customers say about us


"Narcisa Nabar"

"Stanciu Ana"

"Ligia Craciun"
You can find us at
Cluj Napoca,
Constantin Brancusi Street, no. 128
Phone: 0737035883

Exchange rates

Available today 01.Apr.2025
1 EUR = 4.9771 RON
1 USD = 4.6005 RON

Notary fees calculator Notary fees calculator

Calculate notary fees value based on real estate tranzaction:

Tranzaction value:
Equivalent in lei:
Notary fee:
Fee VAT:
Tax tabulation(OCPI):
TOTAL notary fees:

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Real Estate Services


REMS imobiliare offers brokerage services and real estate consultancy - buy, sell, rent apartments, houses, commercial, office, industrial and property management, real estate market studies and evaluations.

Being present and active on all real estate segments, each of us using our accumulated experience over the years, we approach each client individually, looking at real estate's need to complete each transaction successfully.

We will not waste time! Our consultants graduated in check every property to be present and you have all the details before going to watch.

Investments and transactions made through REMS imobiliare are secure and cost effective!


  1. Sale: 2% + VAT
  2. Rent: 50% + VAT

Talk with one of REMS imobiliare consultants to discuss your needs and real estate will help you find the best solution possible. Please call 0364 736 015 or send us an e-mail to office@remsimobiliare.ro.