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Cluj Napoca,
Constantin Brancusi Street, no. 128
Phone: 0737035883
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Commercial Cluj
Commercial Cluj Napoca
REMSimobiliare team, the commercial department offers complete solutions, both for owners who own a commercial space and for tenants looking for space to conduct an activity in re-tail.
We offer expert advice to our clients, providing leading solutions for both tenants and owners as well as buyers and owners to improve their business performance in existing market conditions.
Our services for commercial owners:
• professional evaluation on the rental price and sale price
• Recommendation for possible activities that may take place in space owned
• Recommendations for necessary investments in space
• Assistance in drafting the necessary transaction
• Assistance negocerea contract terms
• Providing a database of potential tenants for space owned
Our services for tenants of commercial premises:
• Presentation Services offers the potential
• Analysis of the market in some areas, the department re-tail
• Assistance in drafting the lease
• Negotiation of contract terms to lease commercial space
Our services for commercial buyers:
• Market research for new investment opportunities
• Consulting in the development of commercial projects, mix of rent, partitions, surfaces
• Support throughout the transaction
Talk with one of REMS imobiliare consultants to discuss your needs and real estate will help you find the best solution possible. Please call 0364 736 015 or send us an e-mail to office@remsimobiliare.ro.